

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

President Aria Plushie

Hey all,
So I wanted to test my skills and surprise my sister with a plushie from one of her favorite anime. I think its called "Aria" and its also in a manga series.
One of the characters that she loves is called President Aria. Its supposed to be a ugly cute white cat with unique features. Haha
Here's what it looks like:

So when I made the plushie I decided to exclude the hat that the character wears because he doesn't always wear it in the anime. Also before I stuffed the plushie it was really close to how the character looks but after, one of the eyes had a mind of its own.

New Plushie Named Darwin

Just recently there was a final episode of this cartoon that me and my brother love called The Amazing World of Gumball. It aired on cartoon network so if you guys want to watch look it up because the show is hilariously cute. Anyway, my brother's birthday is coming soon so I got the idea of making one of the characters of the show into a plushie as a present. 

Now there's two main characters named Gumball which is a blue cat and a goldfish named Darwin.
The Gumball character is kinda hard to make in the short amount of time until my brother's birthday so I went with Darwin the Goldfish.
Here's a picture of the two:

Finally Posting

Wow, I haven't posted anything in forever. So sad....
Well I'm back and with new plushies. Just made a plushie as a gift for my brother. Hopefully he'll like it.
I will also be making a gift for my sister's birthday. It's in the works but will be done soon.
Can't wait to show you guys what they look like.

Also, I've been thinking of making some plushies and selling them. Let me know if you guys think I should do this and if people would actually buy.

As always thanks for reading my post and being on my blog.

God Bless!!