

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Felt Puffy Cloud

Hello everyone,

Did everyone have a nice Monday. Hope you guys did ^-^.

Anyway, I wanted to make my felt plushies a little less flat then usual. It's kind of difficult to turn them inside out to make them round so I wanted another solution. I decided to find a way that I wouldn't have to turn them inside out but still keep them round.

That's when I got the idea to cut right through the middle of the felt and sew it that way. Of course I needed to practice this new found idea and thought why not try small. How about a cute cloud.

So here is how my idea turned out:

Friday, June 20, 2014

Sheep Felt Plushie ♥

Hello everybody~

Hope everyone had a good friday. I ended my friday finishing a cloud like plushie that I'd like to share with you all.

I'll give you a few hints.
1. It's an animal
2. It looks like a cloud
3. Looks really fluffy
4. Lastly it goes bahh~ when it speaks

That's right, you guessed it. It's a cute fluffy sheep!

I've decided to call him Mr. Fluffers haha.

Here's how he came out:

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Hello everybody,

Happy belated Dad's day!
Did everyone have a nice holiday weekend?
Hope you did....

Well today I'm sharing a new plushie with you all. It's a Kapibara-san!! I got inspired to make a Kapibara of my own after playing a game that had him in it. He just looked so cute so I had to have one.

Here's how he looks:

Monday, June 9, 2014

Summer Collection: Starfish

Happy Monday everybody,

Today I'll be sharing with you the first plushie in my summer collection. So ladies and gentlemen drumroll's a starfish plushie. Yay!

Okay so you probably already knew because I told you in my last post. But for those of you that didn't know well ta-dah! Haha

Anyway, here's how my starfishie came out:

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Summer Collection

Happy weekend everyone,

Hope everyone is having a great summer so far. For those of you still in school, don't worry school is almost over so hang in there. The wait will make your break worth it.

Talking about summer, I'm thinking of putting together a collection of plushies that represent the seasons.

For summer I'm thinking a beach ball, starfish, watermelon, seashell. Those are just a few ideas. I've already started the starfish and am thinking of making it into a cellstrap plushie.

Let me know if you guys like this collection idea. Also if you have some ideas yourself share them in the comments.

Thanks and God bless!