

Monday, June 6, 2016

Unknown Pokémon Plushie

Being the greatest procrastinator that I am, I'm back after so long with a new plushie.
And by new I mean a plushie I finished back in January. hehe ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

The plushie was a bday gift for my baby cousin who is obsessed with Pokémon. Then again who isn't am I right...(^_<)〜☆
Anyway, I wanted to make something special, fun, and decorative for a young girl. Then I recalled there were these Pokémon called the Unknown (back when I was a kid) and I remembered that they made up the shapes in the alphabet. 
Had a AHA! moment and thought, "Why not make her name out of these Unknown." "Better yet, lets add string so she can hang it up."

And so, this adorable concoction was born:


When I finished, I noticed that the Unknown gift looked more for a boy instead of a girl. So I added a cute lavender bow.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post. Let me know how you thought the plushie turned out. 

Thanks again and God Bless!

Now for all you avid fans out there, if you could figure out her name let me know in the comments below.

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