Before I post the pic I want to share the story on how all this craft magic started.
My sister and I were trying to think of gifts we could buy for the family with the little to nothing money we had. I brought up the idea of making homemade gifts. My sister agreed that it would be a good idea because gifts made with love were priceless.
So even though we decided on homemade gifts we didn't know what to make. With inspiration from my sister with all these cute pics she found online I had an idea.
I had tried hand sewing a doll before and thought why not.
So then started the journey of finding ideas, fabrics and lack of sleep.
The first person I thought of to receive my handmade sewn love was my Grandma (Abuela).
All my life Abuela has been handmaking things for me and I thought she should get something handmade for once herself.
I got this idea from Amanda Tepie on this website:
It was an adorable Felt Yeti and I was like awwwww I must make that for Abuela.
I thought it would be not to difficult but boy was I wrong. I first messed up when I went to buy fabrics. Having forgotten to write a list of supplies I winged it. Ended up forgeting to buy fleece. With Walmart (yes, you Walmart) not having enough supplies and not enough time on my hands I just went with the felt and got started. I know it said to make a yeti, but that wasn't an option as I had few colors and decided on making a unique plush instead.
At first, when all the tracing and cutting finished everything looked like it would turn out okay. With the pieces when placed where they had to go it actually looked really cute and dare I say not to bad. Then the moment of truth happened when sewing began. I had no idea how to sew in a certain way or style so I had to go on youtube to figure that out. Didn't know there were so many freakin ways to hand sew. Decided on doing the blanket stitch on everything since every plush on the videos looked nice with that stitch.
Then the mistakes happened, and the owws, and the crap-string-got-tangled.
Finally everything was done to the best of my abilitys at the time and I was exhausted. I ended up finishing the doll in 2 days. I was quite happy with the result and thrilled at the thought of giving it away for christmas.
Here's what it looked like:
This is after I stitched the eyes and mouth/tongue.
Before I stitched the face, belly, arms and plushie closed
The finished plushie yay!
What it looks like standing alone. (ugh bad lighting)
I loved the experience even though it was tiring but it was all well worth it. She was so happy to receive my gift and I was happy to finally give back what my Abuela always gave to me....handmade love.
I hope you enjoyed my story and get the inspiration to create your own little lovely bundle.
Thanks and God Bless!
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